February 01, 2021

The Dead Sea is one of the most saline lakes in the world. It is the lowest spot on earth’s surface—the shores of Dead Sea sit 1,388 feet (423 meters) below sea level. 

The Dead Sea waters maintain nearly 34% salinity and the River Jordan dead-ends into Dead Sea, with river water evaporating and leaving behind vast beds of salt and minerals. Then consider the UVB rays;  the barometric pressure and high oxygen levels on the sea’s shores dilute the sun’s harmful rays more than any other place on earth that means you don’t burn as quickly when tanning on the shores of the Dead Sea!

Climate Characteristics of the Dead Sea Jordan: 

  • Sunny weather around the year ( 300-320 days).
  • Clean dry air free of sensitivity and bromide. 
  • UV is very low ( especially UVB ray).
  • High Oxygen rate in the air 

Dead Sea Mud 

The chemical analysis of the Dead Sea mud shows that it contains many salts and minerals as the mud absorbs them from the water itself.

The mud is rich in magnesium, and natural bitumen, and silicates (Silicon compounds ): the latter has a mask effect to the skin useful for cosmetic purpose. The black color of mud absorbs high sun rays, so it acts as a photosensitizer when it is applied to the skin; also causing its temperature to rise and retain its heat. The mud is capable of absorbing large amounts of water up to 70% of its volume. Mud baths are mainly useful for arthropathy, as they help in stimulation of blood circulation around the affected joints, and so mud packs are effective in case of psoriatic arthritis.

Suggested activities around the dead Sea:

  1. Panorama of the Dead Sea ( Coffee or sunset watching ) 
  2. Lunch at the beautiful Samara Mall 
  3. Bethany beyond Jordan and Baptism Site 
  4. Mount Nebo